


第九条  Sexual Harassment Reporting


太阳城娱乐谷学院校园保安部是一个非委托保安部 力.  All Campus 安全 staff have received First Aid, CPR and AED training and additional instruction in emergency response. Our 安全 staff patrol both campuses (太阳城娱乐和Omak)步行,执行管理行为的法律法规 on campus, and have the authority to issue parking tickets. 太阳城娱乐 Valley College 安全/保安人员的工作是确保员工在一个安全有序的环境中工作 of the college community can pursue their educational goals. 我们提供服务 协助学生,员工和社区成员,并确保遵守大学规定 规定. We have security officers on campus 24/7 every day of the year. 我们想要的 每个学生,员工和社区成员在校园感到安全,并建立了 guidelines for campus security.

如需报告正在进行或正在发生的犯罪、火灾或医疗紧急情况,请拨 911 from any college telephone, and then contact Campus 安全 at:


From a campus phone dial 6911 or from a non-campus phone dial 509-682-6911. You can also contact the 安全, 安全 and Emergency Manager at 509-682-6659.


奥马克保安周一至周四下午1点至9点及下午1点 至星期五下午五时. From a campus phone, dial 7911 or from a non-campus phone dial 509-422-7911. You can also contact the 安全, 安全 and Emergency Manager at 509-682-6659.


太阳城娱乐谷学院鼓励员工,学生和游客立即 报告任何可能构成犯罪的校园事件,学生行为准则 违章,或紧急情况-包括威胁,骚扰或你 发现破坏性的或不安全的——这样他们就可以及时和一致地处理 的方式.

 提交事件 Report 在这里


报告工伤事故、职业病或其他事故 员工、学生或访客在WVC校园内或对员工造成伤害 or student off campus during working status within two days. Provide detailed information and complete the form as accurately as possible.

将填妥的表格交给部门主管审核并签字. 除非受影响,否则在提交此表格前必须在此表格上签名 事故发生时,一方无法签字,则将进行后续处理 在以后的日子.  The accident form must be submitted directly to Heather Maddy, Administrative 服务, Third Floor, Wenatchi Hall. 

Submit an Accident Report 在这里.

第九条 Sexual Harassment Reporting

太阳城娱乐谷学院致力于保持良好的学术和工作环境 free of sexual harassment.  Sexual harassment of faculty, staff, or students is against the law and will not be tolerated.  Sexual harassment violates the dignity of individuals and impedes the realization of the college’s educational mission.  学院是 致力于预防和解决对教职员工和学生的性骚扰 通过教育和鼓励教职员工和学生报告任何问题 or complaints about sexual harassment.  Prompt corrective measures will be taken to stop sexual harassment whenever and w在这里ver it occurs.

For more information on 第九条 Sexual Harassment, visit our website 在这里.

任何人都可以举报对性骚扰、不当性行为或性别的担忧 discrimination that impacts a person at 太阳城娱乐 Valley College.  学院将会 seek to protect the privacy of the complainant to the full extent possible. All other employees, including student employees, are required to report 第九条 担忧.

Submit a 第九条 Sexual Harassment Report 在这里.


Executive Director, Climate, Culture, Diversity & 归属感

Emaititle9@chanzuibaiwei.com to reach all campus contacts.


《太阳城娱乐》是以珍妮·克莱里的名字命名的,她在宿舍里被奸杀 room by a fellow student on April 5, 1986. Her parents championed the Jeanne Clery 她记忆中的校园安全政策公开和犯罪统计法案(克莱里法案).  克莱利法案要求学院和大学加入联邦财政援助计划 报告校园犯罪数据,支持暴力受害者,并公开概述 policies and procedures they have put into place to improve campus safety.

根据联邦法律,WVC提供所有在校园或校园发生的犯罪报告 on property adjacent to the college campus.  This information is aviailable each year 在一个  年度安全报告 and additional statistics are available on the WVC 公开资料网页. 这张图表包括了向太阳城娱乐谷大学校园报告的犯罪案件 安全官员,太阳城娱乐警察,切兰县警长,奥卡诺根县警长, 奥马克警察和其他大学官员有重大责任 student and campus activities. If you have any questions about the crime statistics 或校园安全问题,请联系安全,保安和应急经理 at 509-682-6659.


太阳城娱乐谷学院有权通知学院社区,如果注册 sex offender may be expected on or near a 太阳城娱乐 Valley College campus (RCW 4.24.550). 在这种情况下,学生服务副总裁(VPSS)或学院指定人员 will execute the following procedures. Upon learning of the enrollment and/or presence 在太阳城娱乐谷大学校园里被定罪的性犯罪者,VPSS或 学院指定人员将: 

  • 审查执法人员提供的所有相关和必要的信息 并评估校园内对学生、员工和儿童构成的安全问题.
  • VPSS和安全 & 安全 Emergency Manager (SSEM) will interview all Level II and III 性侵犯者 attending 太阳城娱乐 Valley College. The student will be informed 对入学的通知程序和条件,以及所提供的 有关学生权利、责任和隐私保护的信息. 根据从执法部门和面谈收到的信息,WVC可能会征收 conditions of enrollment which the offender must abide by while attending WVC. 违反 这些情况可能导致纪律处分和通知执法.
  • VPSS将根据以下准则发布身份和信息. The Registrar will coordinate the notification process.


Level l - Low Risk (to reoffend). 绝大多数登记在册的性犯罪者被列为一级罪犯. 这些人可能是初犯,通常是受害者认识的. 它们通常没有表现出掠食性的特征,而且大多数都很成功 participated or are participating in approved treatment programs. 

  • 教学副主席,教学主任和专业项目主任 be given a list of offenders and updated information 根据需要.
  • 违法者所参加的专业/课程的教职员工将被通知 通过电子邮件.
  • 学生就业办公室将收到违规者名单和最新信息 根据需要.
  • 学生服务中心将保持最新的违规者名单,并根据需要更新信息.

II级 - Medium Risk (to reoffend). II级 sex offenders have more than one victim and the abuse may be long term. 这些罪犯通常会对受害者进行培训,并可能使用威胁手段来实施犯罪. 由于他们以前的性质,他们被认为有更高的再次犯罪风险 crime(s) and lifestyle (drug/alcohol abuse and/or other criminal activity). 一些人 refused to participate or failed to complete approved treatment programs. II级 sex offenders must have also met with the VPSS and SSEM.

  • All Level I notifications.

Level Ill - High Risk (to-reoffend). II级I sex offenders are the greatest risk to the community. 大多数是掠食性动物, 有其他暴力犯罪前科,拒绝治疗,已知滥用药物. II级I sex offenders must have also met with the VPSS and SSEM.

  • All Level I and II级 notifications.
  • Information provided to college employees via campus mail and/or list serve.
  • VPSS或指定人员将通知违规者所在的班级 登记.
  • 告示:“性犯罪者释放”的告示贴在各处的布告栏上 the campus by 学生服务.